“We've all heard that the unexamined life is not worth living, but consider too that the unlived life is not worth examining.”
― Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
I haven't written in a while. I've been struggling with what to say, mostly because there has been so much going on in my mind that it is difficult to untangle the webs to form a single unified message. So this post might sound a lot like rambling. But for the purpose of fighting the perfectionist inside me that only wants to write nice, clean focused posts, I'm choosing to write anyway, just for the sake of unblocking my creativity.
Acting very much feels like this journey that I have been on since I was a kid. I don't know where it is leading me, but I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and trusting that the path will continue to reveal itself. This is a very scary process for me. I start to get this voice in my head telling me how ridiculous and silly I am for chasing this dream. It goes something like this, "Stop kidding yourself. You are going to waste your life on this silly dream. Grow up. You're being selfish." But I keep going because there is something in my gut that tells me that I am supposed to be doing this. And everyday I am faced with the choice of listening to my critic or my gut. This past year has been about letting my gut run things. I cannot tell you how terrifying it is. And my inner critic hardly ever shuts up. But as a creative person and a spiritual person, I truly believe that I am doing the right thing. I've mustered up all my inner courage to follow this path and there's no guarantee that I will not end up a failure. But I intend to live my life without regretting the things I was too scared to do. So I would like to wish all my other creative friends out there a fearless, free, and productive 2013. Let's make it the best year yet, and not let our inner critics get the best of us!
Light and Love,
I would like to give a special shout out to my friend Kirk Bonacci, a comedian who is making the big move to LA soon. Keep an eye out for him!